Neon Blow
Neon Blow was created as part of the first assignment of my ‘Mobile Games Programming’ Unit of my Games Technology course at Bournemouth university.
The brief was focused on creating a mobile side scroller shoot’em up, with a theme already in place.
We had to include:
- Swipe Movement
- Three Enemies – Which move differently
- Multi-touch gesture recognition to activate a bomb
- Life/Bomb pickups
- Auto firing Bullets
- Collision with bullets and walls
My Additions:
- Procedural generated walls
- Procedurally editing meshes (Walls)
- Radial health bars
- Score multiplier
- Background made from particles
My most notable part of the game is the creation of the ‘Wave enemy’ script using the ‘Decorator’ design pattern to assign the responsibility of Leader or follower to these enemies.